Below average for providers in New York
Paid 400.12
almost 12 years ago
Paid 200.00
While I try to eat right, get lots of sleep, and rest, there is only so much I can do on my...
Paid 499.26
I get botox to look 10 years younger.
Above average for providers in New York
Paid 21000.00
about 3 years ago
Weintraub review
I am currently two weeks post- breast augmentation surgery with Dr....
Paid 15000.18
about 4 years ago
Paid 17500.00
about 8 years ago
Paid 15500.00
almost 10 years ago
Paid 15000.80
After having some filler in my lips I went for the breasts as well! I had a few...
Above average for providers in New York
Paid 22600.06
almost 3 years ago
Paid 22999.68
over 4 years ago
Paid 15800.00
about 5 years ago
Paid 18700.00
Paid 17000.00
over 7 years ago
Paid 15500.00
over 8 years ago
Paid 60000.00
over 9 years ago
Paid 25000.00
almost 10 years ago
Paid 20000.00
over 10 years ago
Paid 17000.00
about 11 years ago
Paid 9000.00
I was so nervous to have my nose tip refined. I always had a "better side" in photos, and I...
Paid 15000.00
over 4 years ago
Paid 20000.00
over 6 years ago