Photo of Dr. D. Scott Rotatori, MD

Dr. D. Scott Rotatori, MD Plastic Surgeon


Breast Implant Removal


About average for providers in Orlando

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 1800.00

over 9 years ago

I have the same story as everyone. I was young and at 19 got breast implants. I asked for a...

Paid 2250.00

about 10 years ago

I got saline implants when I was 25 years old. I only had 240 cc's. I got lucky, had natural...

Paid 4745.00

about 10 years ago

Thank you to all the brave women on this site for sharing your experience. I have been thinking...

Paid 8250.16

I had a complicated case with moderate capsular contracture and very large breast implants...

Paid 4800.00

I had my saline implants in over the muscle in December of 1998. I was barely an A cup so...

Paid 1800.00

I had 325cc silicone gel implants in 2007. I liked how natural they looked but really...

Eyelid Surgery


Below average for providers in Orlando

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 3000.00

over 9 years ago

I was tired of hearing "you look so tired" ...I hated using expensive makeup that didn't work. I...

Paid 3500.00

almost 10 years ago

I had an eye lift for my 60th birthday because I always looked tired. It was something I had been...

Paid 2000.00

almost 10 years ago

I would not recommend Dr Rotatori for eye surgery. His aggressive and old school techniques show...