Photo of Dr. Jay Burns, MD

Dr. Jay Burns, MD Plastic Surgeon

9101 North Central Expressway , #600


Breast Augmentation


About average for providers in Dallas

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 7100.00

Dr. Burns not only did an amazing job but him and his staff were very professional and very...

Paid 7200.56

I did soley for me and my personal wants to have a fuller chest. I absolutely love my...

Paid 5600.00

Asymmetrical, sagging, small breast. After looking at hundreds of breast augmentation...

Brow Lift


  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 8000.00

almost 10 years ago

I went in to talk to Dr. Burns about my hooded eyes. I thought if he removed a bit of skin from...

Paid 6840.00

about 10 years ago

Updated on 13 Aug 2015:
So so happy! Best thing I could...

Paid 5800.00

about 12 years ago

My condition was hereditary. I always had heavy eye lids but over the years with the brow...

Paid 15.00

I had a brow and lower face lift it was painful but well worth it.I was not told

Paid 8.00

Dr.Jay Burns,gave me a Brow Lift 6 months ago.I am very pleased with it
People tell...

Paid 8799.33

I went to Dr. Burns after I had finally had enough of people telling me I looked tired. We...



Above average for providers in Dallas

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 22500.00

almost 12 years ago

I wanted to look less tired and more refreshed. I initially wanted a neck/chin lift but am glad...

Paid 15000.75

I love my facelift, it not only made me look better but I feel better too. I am only a...

Paid 7000.23


Paid 20000.00

I had a face/neck/upper-lower lids. I interviewed a couple of doctors and was very...

Paid 16000.41

almost 13 years ago

The care was very good, but the result was not good. I was left with a drooping right corner of...

Paid 22000.00

I had a brow, face and neck lift Jan 2011. I went to 5 surgeons before choosing one. After...

Tummy Tuck


About average for providers in Dallas

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 10000.29

I feel so blessed to be able to have this procedure. I feel so much better about myself. My...

Paid 14000.00

I have been reading all posts, which did help me to set expectations on how i will feel...

Paid 13000.60

I carried all my weight in my tummy, I've had 3 children-and I just wanted to look...

Paid 6500.00

Back to my pre-pregnancy body. Thrilled! Could not be happier!

Paid 5099.96

I thoroughly researched plastic surgeons in the Dallas area when I decided on Dr. B. Once I...