Photo of Dr. Lenora Felderman, MD

Dr. Lenora Felderman, MD Dermatologist




Below average for providers in New York

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 799.88

over 10 years ago

Personally I have not had a chance to meet with Dr Felderman yet but I've had an excellent...

Paid 549.00

Here's my experience. I received a Groupon for $549 at Dr. Lenora Felderman in NYC. I never...

Paid 800.00

I had zeltiq 4 days ago to flatten my tummy a bit in time for the summer, it was applied to...

Paid 1300.00

about 11 years ago

33 year old male. ~ 17% bodyfat, 215 lbs and 6' tall.

After reading many reviews, I...