Photo of Dr. Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS

Dr. Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS Plastic Surgeon


Breast Augmentation


Below average for providers in New York

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 6000.00

over 9 years ago

Hello, real self ladies and gentlemen.
I'm a mother of two beautiful children.i weigh 145,...

Paid 7000.00

I hated my tiny breasts and finally got up the nerve to do something about it.

Paid 250.00

False advertising for free consultation.
Unfortunately, I believe the doctor's staff...

Breast Reduction


About average for providers in New York

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 11600.00

about 8 years ago

I first met doctor Kraft in October of 2016 when I went on the first consult for my breast...

Paid 11100.00

over 9 years ago

First I want to say that his office staff is amazing. The two woman in the front were always...

Paid 14999.60

over 10 years ago

Dr. Kraft did my surgery in June 2014 and I could not be happier with, not only the results, but...

Paid 10000.00

over 10 years ago

I finally joined realself to post my experiences and be part of the community! Reading...

Paid 14000.00

He did my BR back in 2003 and words can't describe his work. He did an excellent job. 10yrs...

Paid 8000.00

So basically I did the research went through a whole heap of doctor on



Below average for providers in New York

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 8000.26

over 8 years ago

I want to recommend my plastic surgeon Dr. Robert L. Kraft to anyone who is looking to obtain...

Paid 4499.91

I had Lipo in my ab area years years ago with Dr Kraft and was very pleased with his work...Very...

Paid 5000.00

I wanted to have liposuction of my belly and love handles for a few years. I shopped around...

Paid 6300.00

almost 10 years ago

Want to get a shape in my body. Always had an issue with my love handles.Want some form in my...

Earlobe Repair


  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 1300.00

over 2 years ago

Dr. Kraft performed my earlobe reconstruction and the entire experience has been amazing....

Paid 1999.50

over 8 years ago

My decision to get ear lobe repair surgery came years after my high school incident and wearing...

Paid 999.54

over 9 years ago

Dr. Kraft has been giving me Botox injections for over a year now and I look amazing! I love my...

Paid 750.00

almost 10 years ago

Dr Kraft is very Informative and meticulous. He explained what he was doing every step of the...

Lipoma Removal


  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 800.00

over 3 years ago

I had a Lipoma removed from my shoulder in July. It is now 8 weeks later and you can barely see...

Paid 750.60

about 5 years ago

I recently decided to have a lipoma removed from my lower abdomen. I found Dr Kraft on...

Paid 750.00

over 6 years ago

The doctor removed a lipoma in his office and stitched me up well. I have since healed nicely...