Photo of Dr. Theodore Nyame, MD

Dr. Theodore Nyame, MD Plastic Surgeon


Breast Augmentation


Above average for providers in Charlotte

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 8600.00

almost 4 years ago

I had my BA on 2/23/2021 and am currently 6 weeks PO. I couldn’t be happier with the results or...

Paid 7600.00

over 5 years ago

Before finding Dr. Nyame I requested a consultation at another plastic surgeon’s office through...

Paid 10000.00

over 8 years ago

I have always had saggy breast, and once I had children and had breast fed and pumped they then...

Paid 6330.00

about 9 years ago

Dr. Theo is a legend. i highly recommend him. From the moment i walked into the consult, i could...

Paid 10000.00

about 9 years ago

Fantastic experience all round.
A dedicated and passionate surgeon who genuinely cares,...

Breast Reduction


Above average for providers in Charlotte

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 6000.00

about 6 years ago

As one of the few men to provide a review on behalf of Dr. Nyame, I am incredibly pleased to...

Paid 80000.00

about 8 years ago

Paid 25000.00

over 8 years ago

I have had large breasts for 35 years. They have caused me tons of neck and back pain over the...

Gynecomastia Surgery


  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 10000.00

almost 8 years ago

Tired of what I saw in the mirror, I was unable to get rid of the breast tissue that had been an...

Paid 1750.00

over 8 years ago

As a male with gynecomastia I was pretty self conscious about my chest. From my first appointment...

Paid 5700.00

over 8 years ago

Man boobs have haunted me ever since I could remember. I.e. as over weight as a child so I though...

Paid 4900.00

over 8 years ago

I met Dr. Nyame in the beginning of March for a brief consultation. I met him another time...

Paid 2000.00

almost 9 years ago

I had a case of gynocomastia that never receded from my puberty days and was looking to remove...

Paid 5500.00

almost 9 years ago

Always had 'man boobs' regardless of my wight, which had fluctuated 90 lbs over the last 10 yrs. ...

Tummy Tuck


About average for providers in Charlotte

  • Does not include surgical center & anaesthesia fees
  • Depends on type of implant chosen

Paid 11000.00

over 6 years ago

Excellent disposition. Walked me thru the procedure, start to finish.
Took the time to...

Paid 11699.91

over 5 years ago

Ok going for Tummy Tuck April 9. I am so excited. I Meet doctor Nyame which i am so thankful. I...

Paid 12000.00

almost 7 years ago

I had the most amazing experience with Dr. Nyame at Charlotte Plastic Surgery. He is a highly...